Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Our Fort Worth Herd Cow Camp Experience

Since I posted something about the Fort Worth Herd's Cow Camp a while back, I thought it would be fun to go check it out for myself.  We went this past Sunday when it was, like 5,728 degrees outside.  Not really.  It was closer to 100.  But I came prepared with cheapy handheld electric fans, sweat-rags, and a bottle of water in my big ol' mom-purse.

Cow Camp is held every Saturday and Sunday from 1:30 -2:30 from Memorial Day until Labor Day.

Cow Camp is held in the Fort Worth Stockyards.  Driving down North Main, we turned east down Exchange Avenue and parked in the northeast parking lot there which is free.

We walked west down exchange, and Cow Camp is held behind the Livestock Exchange Building which is on the north side of Exchange Avenue.

Luckily this camp is held in the shade.  They have bleachers there for you to sit on.  Let me warn you that you probably shouldn't wear some cute white shorts because your buns will be covered in about 50 shades of dirt after sitting on those bleachers.  Cows and horses and humans kick up a lot of dirt that winds up on those bleachers so be prepared to get a little gritty.

It started off with one of the cowboys explaining a little bit about life in the 1800's.  The cowboys and cowgirls asked if any kids in the audience wanted to volunteer for a demonstration.  The kids that volunteered got to wear hats and vests and wild rags.  The herd cowgirl explained the importance of each of those pieces of clothing.  The little volunteers also got to pass around ropes and show them to the audience.  At the end of the presentation, the volunteers were presented with a really, really cool special gift.  (My oldest didn't want to volunteer because she thought it was going to make her hot with all that clothing on - not true though!)

The herd cowboys and cowgirl told us about spurs and saddles and branding and how each of those are used.  It really was very informative.

They really took their time and explained each and every thing in a very entertaining way.  My favorite part was this:

That whip was LOUD!  I think I might purchase one so I can scare the youknowwhat out of my kids.  How fun would that be?!!??!

It really was a fun experience.  I think my oldest child learned quite a bit.  Heck, I learned quite a bit and I'm 39 years old and have lived in Cowtown all my life!  I'm so glad there's things like this to go see and do in this great city.  Go check it out.  Be sure and leave them a donation on the way out.  They don't ask for much and the experience is worth way more than their suggested donation amount.

Also, while you're in the stockyards, be sure and check out Stockyards Station where your little one might get a pat on the head from a stiff ol' cowpoke who's looking for work.

Be sure and stick around until 4:00 where you can see those cowgirls and cowboys you met during Cow Camp move the Fort Worth Herd.


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