Friday, August 10, 2012

Cute Kid Books

My kids and I go to the library at least once a week.  We bring home two big bags full of books each time we go.  And every now and then we find a book that just stands out above the rest - one that just touches your heart or makes you laugh or really makes you think.  This week we found two books like that.

The first one is a brand new book.  It's called Grammy Lamby and the Secret Handshake.  It was written by Kate Klise and illustrated by her sister M. Sarah Klise.  It was published July 3 of this year.  The suggested reading age is 4 and up.  Here is a description of the book from Amazon:

"Larry is a little lamb with a larger-than-life grandmother. She talks loudly, carries a heavy sewing machine, and has big plans to take Larry to Tanzania and the South Seas when he grows up. She even has a secret handshake. It’s all too much for shy little Larry—until a summer storm blows through the Lambs’ valley, and Larry finds an unlikely hero in his own family."

"This gentle tribute to the bond between child and grandparent reminds us that it often takes time for little ones to fall in love—even with those who love them the most."

It really is a good book.
The other book is an older book and it's called My Lucky Day.  It's written by Keiko Kasza.  The suggested reading age is 3 and up.  Here's a description from Amazon:

"When a delicious-looking piglet knocks on Mr. Fox's door "accidentally," the fox can hardly believe his good luck. It's not every day that dinner just shows up on your doorstep. It must be his lucky day! Or is it?  Before Mr. Fox can say grace, the piglet has manipulated him into giving him a fabulously tasty meal, the full spa treatment (with bath and massage), and . . . freedom."

Check these books out if you get a chance.

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